
Tuesday 13 August 2019

Right hand Grip Rule Demonstration


 To determine the shape and direction of a magnetic field that forms around a current-carrying wire.

1. your teacher will set up the wire carrying so that it travels vertically and through a platform, as shown in the diagram below.
2. they will then sprinkle iron on the platform near the wire.
3. after turning the power supply on your teacher will tap the platform to allow the iron fillings to move.
when I put the magnetic field on the card it went left around the nail.


1. your teacher will replace the iron fillings with a number of the small compasses that forms a circle around the wire.
2. note the direction that the compass is pointing.
3. Ensuring the current is flowing upwards through the platform your teacher will turn on the power supply.
4. now note the direction that the compasses are pointing.
5. with the power supply changed so the current flows downwards through the platform note the direction the compasses are pointing.
when the iron fields are places around the nail the compasses point the same way.

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