today we did copy circle and tequila and viewpoint movement jump and listening
vocab words to find
focus the center of interest or activity.
the energy the strength and vitality required for sustained physical or mental activity.
textbook or other written or printed work, regarded in terms of its content rather than its physical form.
drama game to play
the Wind Blows
The Wind Blows This is a good game for mixing up cliques and a variation of fruit bowl which you already know. Put chairs in a circle. Turn one chair to face out. Choose someone to stand in the middle. They (or you) can call: “ The wind blows for……….. everyone wearing a watch everyone who supports Arsenal everyone who can swim a length everyone who had breakfast today everyone who likes ice cream etc… If the statement applies to a pupil, they must get up and change places. The caller finds a seat. The last pupil left standing, becomes the new caller. No one an change places with the person sitting next to them
Catch a Story
Catch a Story Have a ball or (better) a beanbag. Begin a story. Throw it to the person who must continue the story. This is better than dragging around the circle and shy people can get rid of the story after only one word. A variation on this is “fortunately, unfortunately”. Each person must add a sentence, changing the sentence of the main character. E.g. Unfortunately the plane’s engines failed. Fortunately the pilot had a parachute. Unfortunately, the parachute would not open. Fortunatelthereir was a haystack underneath. Etc.
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