
Monday 19 March 2018

english 2018

Character Study- Shylock so Far:

  • Make a list of the insults and names Shylock has been called in the text so far.
not nice

  • Find lines/quotes in the text that show Shylock’s hurt, his rage, his loneliness.

  • Do you think he cares more about losing the ducats or his daughter? Give evidence to support your thinking.
    his dater because hes is part of the family

  • Shylock is powerless to get back his daughter or his ducats but Antonio is now in his power. Find the first mention of revenge. Do you think his thoughts of revenge are justified, give reasons.
  • A3S1 lines 54-62. What sentiment is Shylock trying to express here, do you find sympathy for him here?
  • Choose one ‘Hath not..’ quote and explain it.

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