
Thursday 29 March 2018

merchant of Venice

  • Research- The Merchant of Venice had an all-male cast. Research and present your finding of how Shakespeare's plays were performed. Think about the actors, spectators, venues and costumes.

  • Musical A3S2 L63-73 The text is sung. Listen to the track recorded in this section. What did you think of this interpretation of the music, do you think it fits the scene, time set of the story. How would you change it to suit a modern audience?

yes I think the music fits the scene
if i cage lyric,Te bow,light,music,theme,words,
I think the audience is for people that like the merchant of Venice

Vocabulary Find the meanings of the following words: Tainted, Ecstasy, Converted,  Vantage, Oration, Constitution, Envious & Forfeit.

feeling good

contaminate or pollute (something).

change the form, character,  

a place or position  

a formal speech,  
a body of fundamental 
feeling or showing envy.


lose or be deprived 

act 2 sence3

Act Three, Scene Three:
  1. Antonio is now convinced that he knows the reason for Shylock’s insistence on claiming his bond. What is it, use a quote from the text to support your answer.
  2. that the ship sank

  1. Why can the Duke not ‘deny the course of law’ according to Antonio?
  2. that he all ready have a deal

  3. What does Antonio seem resigned to his fate? What two important realisations is this based on? Use lines 8, 21-24, 26-31 to help you.
  4. that he ever

  1. Do you think Antonio’s feelings towards Bassanio have changed since the beginning, why?
no, because they are in the juice

  1. Shylock refuses to consider the idea of Mercy but demands Justice. Consider the following ideas:

  • Is mercy the same as forgiveness?
  • no
  • Is it easier to show mercy or look for revenge?
  • no
  • Is justice the same as fairness?
  • yes
  • Is true justice possible in this case?#

wood vot

computer hungry bear lollypop   zoo

there was a bear on his computer eating a lollypop because he was hungry  at the zoo

Monday 26 March 2018

the merchant of venice

Character Study- Shylock so Far:

  • Make a list of the insults and names Shylock has been called in the text so far.

  • Find lines/quotes in the text that show Shylock’s hurt, his rage, his loneliness.
     Act 3, Scene 1, Page 2
  • line 23 act 3 scene 1 page 2
  • line 50 he had disgraced me

  • Do you think he cares more about losing the ducats or his daughter? Give evidence to support your thinking.
    his dater because he is part of the family

  • ducats because he does want to lose
  • the money
  • Shylock is powerless to get back his daughter or his ducats but Antonio is now in his power. Find the first mention of revenge. Do you think his thoughts of revenge are justified, give reasons.
  • A3S1 lines 54-62. What sentiment is Shylock trying to express here, do you find sympathy for him here?
    no, because he wants his
  • money
  • Choose one ‘Hath not..’ quote and explain it.
  • hath not a jew eyes
  • shylock is saying are we bother peoples because we both have eyes

Friday 23 March 2018


  1. Our group song
Your Welcome - From Moana.
What is the song about?
your welcom4e
What is difficult about singing this song?
not look at the woods
How are you feeling about your performance?

2. The story of Maui
Who is Maui? (Find and research two stories of Maui, add links to your blog post) There are some animated stories of Maui on youtube have a look at a few and add them to your blog.
  soty about maui
sorty about maui

New Musicals

There are new musicals coming out all of the time. Have a look at the list below and see if you can find a clip from each musical on Youtube. Add the links to your blog and a short synopsis. Choose 5 or do all of them if you have time.

  1. Mean girls
  2. Frozen ( Just opened on Broadway, it looks amazing)
  3. Heathers
  4. Dear Evan Hansen
  5. Waitress
  6. School of Rock
  7. On your feet
  8. Once on this Island
  9. Spongebob squarepants
  10. Anastacia

The importance of the crew

In theatre the crew behind stage are equally as important as the actors. From the list below research what the jobs and roles are.

  1. Stage manager
  2. get every soted
  3. Props
  4. get people ready
  5. Sound crew
  6. gets the sound ready
  7. Lighting crew
  8. gets the light ready
  9. Dressers
  10. get people that need dress ready
  11. Conductor
  12. get building ready
  13. Fight director
  14. gets plane ready
  15. Flyman
  16. get ready and make sure he has he bas backeld
  17. Grip
  18. is to maked people not full off
  19. Prompt
  20. it is a empole
  21. Wigs
  22. to make you fli
  23. Stage electrician
  24. to make sure the electrican is torn on


Aim to separate a solvent in a solution using distillation

EQUIPMENT  a solution of  normal
coke  conical flask heatproof mat  a delivery tube and bung,Bunsen
                         burbner,tripod,guaze mat,retort stand,boss head and clamp,boiling tube.

MWTHOD      1.Set up the equipment as shown in the diagram
                         2.Add appoximately 50 mL of saltwater to your conical flask.
                         3.Light yoour Bunsen burner.Open the air hole and gently push the Bunsen burner                                 under the tirpod.
                        4.Heat the solution untill most of the silvent has been evaporated. Turn off your Bunsen

Thursday 22 March 2018

wood vomit week 8

Apple crayon oar math textbook Rabbit

At school one day he had maths in he had a crayon textbook then they went on a oar and saw a Rabbit eating a apple then they went to sleep then they did it all again the next day and then so on until he got bored. He ate apple for breakfast lunch dinner.he use a crayon to do his maths in a textbook.he play all day with his friend  Then he RABBIT. Then he play in his oar all day going down the river cleting stick to build a roof and walls and door to live in.

Wednesday 21 March 2018





Tuesday 20 March 2018

AIM: To Form a crysrtal form a super saturated solution.
    Provided teast tube
    Bunsen bumber
    Heat mat
    Test tube tongs

  1. Freeze some water in the test tube
  2. Gently heat the test tube until it becomes liquid.
  3. Place in test tube rack for 30mins.
  4. Wait for the solid to form.

Monday 19 March 2018

making a Duilution series

Aim: To make a dilution series to investigate concentration

Equipment: A potassium permanganate crystal, six large test tubes, tweezers, a plastic transfer pipette, a test tube rack, 10,l measuring cylinder.

1. Place the six test tubes in a test tube rack. Label the rack with numbers 1-6.
2. Using the measuring cylinder, fill test tube 1 with 10 ML of water. Fill the remaining test tubes with 5 ML of water.
3. Using your tweezers, add a single crystal of potassium permanganate to test tube 1.
4. gently shake the test tube until the Crystal has dissolved
5.Using the transfer pipette. carefully remove exact,y 4 ML from test tube 1 and pour it into test tube 2
6. Rinse the transfer pipette thoroughly to ensure that no purple solution remains.
7. gently shake test tube 2 and repeat the transfer process, transferring exactly 5 ml of solution from test tube 2 to test tube 3
8. Rinse the pipette again and repeat the transfer process for test tubes 4, 5 and 6

english 2018

Character Study- Shylock so Far:

  • Make a list of the insults and names Shylock has been called in the text so far.
not nice

  • Find lines/quotes in the text that show Shylock’s hurt, his rage, his loneliness.

  • Do you think he cares more about losing the ducats or his daughter? Give evidence to support your thinking.
    his dater because hes is part of the family

  • Shylock is powerless to get back his daughter or his ducats but Antonio is now in his power. Find the first mention of revenge. Do you think his thoughts of revenge are justified, give reasons.
  • A3S1 lines 54-62. What sentiment is Shylock trying to express here, do you find sympathy for him here?
  • Choose one ‘Hath not..’ quote and explain it.

Thursday 15 March 2018

so st 2018

 1) uk cluter slide

 2) yes we learnt a lot of invermachin.

english 2018

Act Two, Scene Nine
  1. What is the purpose of the rhymes in the caskets?
so what just happen

  1. Why does the Prince of Arragon discard the golden caskets. What does his interpretation of the inscription tell us about his character?

becuase he mit get it right

  1. What is Portia’s reaction to Bassanio’s arrival?

that she does no that it is bassanio's

Tuesday 13 March 2018

investigating solubillity
To investigate the solubility of baking soda, table salt and copper oxide to see which is the most soluble

100mL beaker, 100mL measuring cylinder, salt, baking soda, copper oxide, stirring rod, spatula.

  1. Fill beaker with water
  2. Add a spatula full of baking soda.
  3. Stir the solution until it dissolves.
  4. Repeat step 2 and 3 until no more will dissolve.
  5. Record how many spatula fulls were added.
  6. Repeat the experiment with salt and copper oxide.
salt- 12
baking soda-6
copper oxide-0


Aim: To produce copper sulfate salt by reacting copper oxide with an acid

Equipment: Copper oxide powder, dilute sulfuric acid, measuring cylinder, 2x 100mL beakers, bunsen burner, tripod, gauze mat, funnel, filter paper, themometer, spatula, evaporating basin, stirring rod.

solvent the liquid what you useing in you equipment
solute  soild is  the bader stafe
solution mixture the thing you use to mixture
  1. Add 20mL of sulfuric acid to a 100mL beaker. Heat to 70degrees. Turn off your bunsen.
  2. Once heated, use a spatula to add pea sized portions of copper oxide. Stir for 30secs
  3. Repeat step 2 until no more dissolved.
  4. Fold filter paper and place in funnel. Place the funnel in the second beaker.
  5. Make sure your first beaker is cool enough to hold and then pour it into the funnel. Gently swirl and allow to filter through.
  6. Rinse the beaker and fill with 50mL of water and place on tripod. 
  7. Place evaporating basin on top of beaker and pour some solution in.
  8. Gently heat until the solution has reduced by half.
  9. Take off heat and allow to cool.
Results: that it did;t work

Monday 12 March 2018

english 2018

Act Two, Scene Nine
  1. What is the purpose of the rhymes in the caskets?
so they have thing to do

  1. Why does the Prince of Arragon discard the golden caskets. What does his interpretation of the inscription tell us about his character?

  1. What is Portias reaction to Bassanio’s arrival?

Act Three, Scene One

  1. Why does Shylock assume Solanio and Salerio know of Jessica’s flight?
  2. What is the second suggestion of misfortune for Antonio- find a quote.
  3. Who has been looking for Lorenzo and Jessica, how do we know.
  4. Where do Shylock and Tubal arrange to meet and with what purpose?

english 2018

Act Two, Scene Seven
  1. Which casket does the Prince of Morocco think is worthy to contain Portia’s portrait. Use evidence of the text to justify your answer.

  1. How is Portia feeling in A2S7 -at the beginning, -while the Prince is making his choice, at the end
  1. What was Portias father trying to achieve by the use of the caskets. Does this seem to be working?
 yes she like it 
Act Two, Scene Eight

  1. What double disaster has struck Shylock?

  1. Where did Shylock think Lorenzo & Jessica might be?

  1. How did Bassanio and Antonio part?
  2. being nice
  3. What is the first suggestion of trouble for Antonio? Find a quote that tells you this.

Wednesday 7 March 2018

english 2018

Act Two, Scene Three
  1. What does Jessica think of her life at home? Give evidence from the text to support your thinking.
that she is by her salf

  1. Which of Bassanio’s friends is Jessica planning to marry?

Act Two, Scene Four
  1. How does Jessica get a message to her lover?
to give it to Bassanion;s

  1. How will she be disguised for the elopement?
they hurt each other

Act Two, Scene Five

  1. Why is Shylock uneasy about going out for the evening? Give evidence from the text to support your thinking.
he doews't like evening