
Friday, 26 July 2019

sost 2019 boomerang trowing

what was the purpose of this activity?
   was to make a boomerang and throw it.

what the story on your boomerang is?
to welcome people home.


this is my pice of work from Bansky and Banksy is a famous artist to work with.

Thursday, 25 July 2019

food 2019

5 ways to keep bacteria away from food

clean  the table  to keep it clean

`put meat on the red  board

keep raw meat separate

cook food thoroughly so it is don't red inside

clean dishcloths to get rid of bacteria

Monday, 22 July 2019


I think diversity is important because you get to learn about other people culture.

Friday, 5 July 2019

my food bag semester

Blurb about the design process

who was your profile target?

my family

what was your recipe decision based in?

I talk to my mum (stakeholder) and they love mack and cheese

Explain why this recipe was chosen to do?
because of people like mack and cheese

How it fits into the nutritional model of a dinner plate?
because you can add vegs in it.

What changes did you make during the 2 practice sessions?

I didn't get to make my mack and cheese because they can do everyone food.

what were the positives about your final practise?
I didn't get to make my mack and cheese.

Describe 2 things you have learnt in this semester?
to do all my work

Tuesday, 2 July 2019


what is an indicator

 The biological indicator refers to organisms, species or community whose characteristics show the presence of specific environmental conditions.pH indicators detect the presence of H and OH- They do this by reacting with H and OH- they are themselves weak acids and bases. If an indicator is a weak acid and is coloured and it's conjugate base has a different colour, deprotonation causes colour change.

this is indicator.