
Wednesday 2 May 2018

The Merchant of Venice

  1. What does the Duke believe Shylock intends to do?
cut apond of flesh

  1. What does Shylock intend to do, and what reasons does he give for his decision?
to give 10 thousound ducats

  1. Why must the law be allowed to stand (why can’t the judge dismiss this case)
    so thdont get on the grong side

  1. Shylock is very clear about the restrictions in the wording of the deed, how does Portia use these loopholes?
using a map

  1. What penalties does Shylock now have to pay? Are they fair? Why/why not.
because he dint pay the money

  1. How do Lorenzo and Jessica gain by the result?
 to stay toghter
  1. What reward has Portia claimed and why is this significant?
to be rich
  1. Portia tells Shylock ‘The quality of mercy is not strained’. How does she try to persuade Shylock to show mercy, how much mercy is she willing to show him (line 345-362)

shylock is willing to show mercyt

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