
Friday 17 May 2019

english 2019

In English, we have been learning about

understanding people point of view

I think we are learning about this because

so we can understand what we are doing

1. Disney’s Tarzan  helped me to understand the difference between the 2 cutlers

2. tom gates helped me to understand that when loss energy go and get energy biscuit

3. Lego ninja go helped me to understand how to fight

4. fight with my family helped me to understand not to fight with my family because MIT get hurt

5. Zootopia helped me to understand other people point of view

Monday 13 May 2019

sost 2019 James Naismith

In England, on a hot sunny day, James Naismith went to go to
the dairy get ice cream and then saw a poster the had a
tall tree on it and James Naismith said look I should go there.
and so he when home and started to packs and then he when
the home was just about to go on the boat when someone shut out
his name James Naismith and James Naismith said who are
you and the man said I am Jacob storer said am going with you
on the boat. and so they went on the boat together and started
to travel to New Zealand when the boat sunk.and the very big
The ship that came by and got the 2 people and said to them where are
you going and they said New Zealand the people on the boat
said we just come from there.then they had to stop at another
island to have food and to drink. Every 3 weeks. they will stop to
get food to eat and to drink. And then his boat started to sink
into the water Then they shut out help help help the people
came and help them onto there boat. And the people that help
the 2 boys said where are you two going And they said
New Zealand. And the 2 boys that need help lead to the
people that help them do you have food and they said yes to
them for the next 2 weeks and they said it should last until we
get you to New Zealand. And 10 hours later they saw that we were I
in New Zealand. And when he arrived in Auckland
He got off the boat and said we are in Auckland and he got
shot and had to go to the hospital because he goes shot because of the soles a lot of money and gold. And when the arrived in Auckland he built a house out of tree leaves first then he went and killed animals for food. And then he went back to his house that he builds and started to eat. Then he went and saw his family when he went back to his house and when to sleep.3 days later he was sick from being in the cold. And he died at age 69Image result for 1800 houses were like

Monday 6 May 2019

Elements table for science

I put these on my blog so I can learn It.

1. H-hydrogen
2. HE-helium
3. LI-Lithium
4. BE-beryllium
5 B-boron
6. C-carbon
7. N-nitrogen
8. O-oxygen
9. F-fluorine
10. NE-neon
11. NA-sodium
12. MG-Magnesium
13. AL-Aluminium
14. SI-Silicon
15. P-Phosphorus 
16. S-Sulfur
17. CL-Chlorine
18. AR-Argon
19. K-potassium
20. CA-Calcium 

The word Phosphorus was discovered by German alchemist Hennig Brandt in 1669.
the word Phosphorus means potash.
phosphorus the chemical element of atomic number 15.
Phosphorus is used in the manufacture of safety matches (red phosphorus), pyrotechnics and incendiary shells. Phosphorus is also used in steel manufacture and in the production of phosphor bronze. Phosphorus is used to make light-emitting diodes (LEDs).
you get phosphorus from borns.
Image result for phosphorus

Image result for potassium metal

Image result for potassium