
Sunday 16 April 2017

Bouncing Balls

I want to find out if there is a relationship between how high a ball is dropped from and how high it bounces up.

I predict that the higher the ball is dropped from, the higher it bounces.

The equipment that I will need is:

  • Bouncy ball
  • Ruler
  • Stand with boss head and clamp
  • Attach the clamp to the stand.
  • Clamp the ruler onto the stand so that the zero mark is on the ground.
  • Hold the bottom of the ball on 50cm and drop.
  • Record the height of the bounce measuring the bottom of the ball.
  • Repeat the experiment twice more and record the average measurement.
  • Repeat the whole experiment using heights of 60cm, 70cm, 80cm, 90cm, 100cm

    Independent (changing) Variable = The height of the drop
    Dependent (measured) Variable = The height of the bounce


      Height of Drop
      Height of Bounce on carpet



    Gravity - Helicopter experiment

    Helicopter Experiment

    Aim: To make a helicopter and look at the force of gravity.

    Hypothesis: The size of the wings will effect the speed that the helicopter travels.

    1. Stopwatch - use the Google stopwatch on your Chromebook
    2. Helicopter template / paper
    3. Paper clip

    Image result for paper helicopter template

    1. Make the helicopter by cutting out the template.
    2. Drop the helicopter from a height. Use the same person.
    3. Time each drop and record the time when it hits the floor.
    4. Each time it is dropped you will make a change to its form.
    • With a paperclip on the bottom.
    • Use heavier material ( Cardboard)
    • Cut the body in half to give it a short body.
    • Cut the wings to give it short wings
    1. Time each time you drop it.
    2. Record the findings on a chart

    Short wings
    short body

    Findings: What do the findings from your four flights say? Write about them.

    Summary: What was the best result? ( The longest time will be the best. )

    vortex cannon

                           vortex cannon

    vortex cannon time
    small cannon hole3.14
    large cannon hole2.24


    10 liter bucket
    bay plastic
    smoke machine
    scissors or sturdy knife

    Friday 14 April 2017

    The feet can measure the height.


    The bones of the feet can tell a lot about a person. What do feet reveal about a person's height? Forensic anthropologists team up with law enforcers to help solve crimes.
    Bones of the feet can reveal an interesting fact about an individual. Let's combine math with forensics to see how.

    Image result for foot to height ratio chartImage result for foot chart size

    Create a spreadsheet.

    Make a chart and list the individuals name, height, and foot length.

    1. Have the students in your group remove their shoes and measure their height.
    2. Measure the length of the adult's left foot from the wall to the tip of the big toe.
    3. Examine the numbers. Do you see a pattern?
    4. Divide the length of each person's left foot by his/her height. Multiply the quotient by 100. What do you get? You may also want to use the calculator on a computer for this activity
    The results of your calculations should be about 15, illustrating that the length of a person's foot is approximately 15 percent of his or her height.

    Water Rockets

    Water Rockets In a  rocket  engine, stored fuel and stored oxidizer are ignited in a combustion chamber. The com...

    What is the white powder?

    White powder test?

    A forensic scientist may discover powder at a crime scene. In order to determine if it is illegal or not the crime lab will identify the substance using chemistry. Take on the role of a forensic chemist to identify unknown substances.

    Image result for baking soda

    Become a Forensic Chemist by following these procedures and filling in the Powder Analysis Chart with your results. 
    Complete the appearance, texture, and smell activities before opening the vinegar and iodine bottles.

    Record your findings in the Powder Analysis Chart below.

    Aim: To determine how different powders feel, look and react to other substances.



    Baking Soda
    Magnifying glass
    Eye drop
    Black card
    Tea spoon / stick


    1. Place one-fourth teaspoon (1 ml) of the four white powders on a sheet of black construction paper. Label the powders with your pen.
    2. Study the powders with the magnifying glass. Examine what each powder looks like. How would you describe the powder's shape. Does it have large or small grains? Your observations should be written in the appearance column of the chart.
    3. Examine the powders further by rubbing each powder between your fingers. Describe how each powder feels in the Texture column of the chart.
    4. Determine if there is a smell to any of the powders. Record your findings in the Smell column of the chart.
    5. Take the eyedropper and place a drop of water on each individual powder. Examine what happens? Do the powders dissolve? Is there a reaction? Write your observations in the Reaction to Water column.
    6. Place one-half teaspoon (2ml) of each powder in a separate jar. Add 2 drops of iodine to each jar using the eyedropper. Record what happens in the Reaction to Iodine column. Iodine should be handled with care.
    Findings:  Powder Analysis Chart

    Substance          Appearance   Texture    Smell     Water     Vinegar     Iodine




    Baking soda

    Image result for white powder

    Comparing test results of substances that are known help Forensic Scientists identify unknown substances.

    The Scientific method

    The Scientific method

    This is a list of seven headings that are used in scientific experiments. 

    Aim: Allows people who read it to understand what the experiment is about.

    Hypothesis: An educated guess of what you think will happen.

    Equipment: The materials required for the experiment.

    Method : Step by Step instructions detailing exactly how it will be carried out.

    Results: The data found from the investigation. 
    Discussion:  This is where you would discuss your findings.

    Conclusion: Interpret the results. It is here you would outline whether or not you met the hypothesis.

    Lighting your hands

    Aim: To listen to the teachers instructions while using safe practice in the science lab.

    Hypothesis: There will be flames coming from your hands.

    1. Bunsen burner tube
    2. Gas
    3. Detergent
    4. Water

    1. Put some water into a container and squirt in some detergent.
    2. Connect the gas hose to the taps and make gas bubbles in the water.
    3. Rub cold water on your hands, wrist and up to your elbows.
    4. Scoop up the bubbles in the container into the palm of your cupped hands.
    5. Stand with your hands reaching out in front of you, with your palms and bubbles facing up.
    6. Light your hands.
    Safety: If you want to stop the fire you can open your palms and drop the fire to the floor.Results: the hands of the person burst into flames without burning their hands.

    Discussion: The gas in the bubbles burned.

    Conclusion: The safety glasses and equipment like water on your wrists stopped anyone from getting burnt. By listening to the teachers instructions the method was clear.