
Wednesday 15 February 2017

Rules for the science laboratory


no eating or drinking in the science lab.

hair need to be up in the lab.

walk in the science lab.

 use safety glasses during experiments.

no silly behaviour e g mucking around.

listen to the teachers instructions.

being aware of your surroundings.

you must follow the instructions given to you by your teachers.

you must not  enter the lab  without a teachers.

report all breakages to the teachers.

safety glasses must be worn at all time when.

not putting your bag under the workbench or desk

running around in the lab

not tying your hair up

shaking a test tube with your thumb over its mouth

entering lab with out your shoes on

Aim alllows people who read it to understand what the experment is about .
hypothesis step by step instructions   detailing exactly  how it will be carried out
results the data found from the investigations.
biscussion this is where you world discuss you findings.
conclusion interpret the result it is here you would out line whether or not you met the hypothesis.
evaluation analyse the accuracy of your results and investigation.